In the Merchant Navy, ratings are non-officer positions that encompass various roles related to the operation and maintenance of a vessel. These positions are crucial for the smooth functioning of a ship and support the officers in their duties. Here are some common ratings ranks in the Merchant Navy:

1. Able Seaman (AB): ABs are experienced seafarers responsible for general deck duties, including mooring operations, cargo handling, and maintaining deck equipment. They also stand watch and assist officers in navigation tasks.

2. Ordinary Seaman (OS): OSs are entry-level deckhands who assist ABs and officers with deck operations, such as cleaning, painting, and maintenance tasks. They may also stand watch under supervision.

3. Bosun (Boatswain): The bosun is a senior deck rating responsible for overseeing deck operations, coordinating the work of ABs and OSs, and maintaining deck equipment and rigging.

4. Chief Cook: Responsible for preparing meals for the crew and officers on board, ensuring that nutritional standards and hygiene regulations are met.

5. Steward: Assists the chief cook in meal preparation and helps with housekeeping duties, such as cleaning crew quarters, laundry, and general cleanliness on board.

6. Engine Room Rating (Motorman, Fitter, Oiler, Wiper): These ratings work in the engine room under the supervision of engineering officers. Their duties include engine maintenance, machinery operation, and assisting with repairs.

7. Electrician: Responsible for electrical maintenance and repair work on board the vessel, including troubleshooting electrical systems and equipment.

8. Pumpman: Manages the operation and maintenance of pumps and piping systems on board, including ballast, bilge, and cargo pumps.

9. Able Seafarer Engine (ASE): An experienced engine room rating responsible for assisting engineering officers with engine operations, maintenance, and repair tasks.

10. Deck Hand: Performs various manual labor tasks on deck, including cleaning, painting, and assisting with cargo operations.

These are some of the common ratings ranks in the Merchant Navy, but there may be additional positions depending on the specific requirements of the vessel and shipping company.


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